Roller Coaster of Emotions
Okay so apparently I am the worst step mom on the face of the planet. I have been blamed for just about everything today. I got told that I MADE my sick mother in law get out of the house to get her granddaughter and take her to church. Well I don't have the power to make her do anything. Also on top of that my camera is missing, my kids aren't listening and I have heard nothing but b***ing and complaining all day. Can I wake up and try this day over.

Also we are supposed to get a big snow storm. I think this is going to be interesting. I went to the store to get milk and bread, eggs and other necessities and I am truly surprised they hadn't run out yet. That is the case in this small town every store is out of everything before and snow storm.

Well I suppose I should work on calming down. I did get some house work done today and yesterday still gotta work on it. I need to get off here and do it. Talk to you all tomorrow.

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    My name is Angel DeCoux. I am 26 a mother of 3 and a full time student this is an account of the struggles and triumphs I face with Bi Polar Disorder. I hope you enjoy.


    January 2011



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